Thursday, December 26, 2013

A slow connection

When I first thought about starting a cafe, the thought was inspired more by the feeling around a cafe - a meeting place for people. For them to sit together, spend a few hours talking, connecting, relaxing and being themselves. And the more places I visit, and more I observe people, it only reaffirms this feeling.

Juhu Beach, Mumbai 2013

For me none of the virtual social platforms can come anywhere close to meeting people physically. 
And the biggest reason for this is the fact that as humans we all have layers. And not just that, we also have images, complexes, presumptions and very little attention span.It takes time to be ourselves. It takes courage to have a meaningless conversation which may eventually lead to something deep and true.What we think we may not say explicitly, what we say, does not necessarily mean exactly that.140 characters really cannot begin to contain our personality.The pictures of our surroundings don't necessarily reflect our true emotions. And I guess this attempt of over-simplification and extreme acceleration of 'connectivity' between humans to some extent puts me off popular social media as a means of really connecting with people.

Popular 'chaat' places on Juhu Chowpatty

Nevertheless, I cannot deny the obvious benefits of the medium and it's best feature being a global online address book. (I am told, one should always let the computer do, what it is good at.)

Left on my own, it is far too easy for me to just drift away. In fact after a while, the drifting is so automatic, that I don't even realize it. But every so often, sitting around people, some of whom I only see once a year, some far less frequently, some with whom I may have shared a cup of coffee or a 'cutting' chai in the past, (with the addition of a relatively slow internet connection), I feel suddenly grounded and in a not so scary way.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

New and Shiny

I am back after months of procrastination. I have been at the brink of 'to post or not to post' all this while - and each time stopped myself from making a half hearted attempt. You see writing for me should flow automatically and not have me trying to strangle the words out of my head. While this means I am truer to my passion, yet it also means I fall prey to my worst enemy/quality i.e. laziness.

And as a result I missed out on updating you guys on a few interesting stories from my life.

Primary of which is my move to Peterborough from Cambridge. No, it is not a very big move, yet it is a move and it does mark a new beginning of sorts. I have already been to several different restaurants and nearby cafes.

Affogato - The Boathouse

I will post more in my coming blogs. In fact watch this space to know 'what is positive about this borough'. I assure you, you will find loads and loads of negative stuff if you look for it and some of which unfortunately is true. But as with everything else I do like the underdog. And at the end of the day it is the people you meet who make a place a home and I have to say I have met some cool people here.

Another big change is my laptop + operating system. I have converted from Windows to Mac OS and it took me some time to get used to this shift in thinking/storing/operating. I call her 'Aether'. In Greek this means pure fresh 'Air' that the gods breathe.

And because I am in a new city I decided I need a new hobby. And what better hobby can I pursue than that of Latte Art? And so peeps, here I introduce the little red coffee machine with milk steamer et al - a brand new addition to my kitchen, which has already produced some 16 odd cups of awesome espresso for me and my friends! Latte art is only a few steps (and loads of practice) away!

I know the holiday season is coming up and I am personally looking forward to December (my favourite - the month of adventures) but I hope I can post a few more stories this year before I go on holidays.

See you soon!

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The stop - start conundrum

Is there a good finishing line? Or are we just fools to believe that 'happily ever after' is a single permanent moment after which time freezes, and with it our thoughts and lives?

The world around us encourages us to believe in this notion, and in a way, I think it makes sense. Walking one milestone to another, and all the time thinking that the final reward is just around the corner, keeps us going. 
The problem I believe comes when we can no longer maintain the enthusiasm, and the disappointment of every corner grows bigger than our zeal and belief to keep the spirits high and march bravely forward.

There are so many self help articles, tweets, trends on google plus, books, seminars, therapists, priests etc. A whole business has been established for something as basic yet critical as 'keeping the faith'. Bon Jovi sang it, religions preach it and fairy tales sell it. All set to keep us humans going, down the same loop a million times, with the promise of an unique adventure each time. 

And believe it or not it is an unique adventure each time. It may look repetitive, and very same as an observer, but when you are inside this blue green whirlwind, it is a whole new world every day. And in a way there is merit in unlearning our past, re-discovering a lesson and re-inventing the wheel. It keeps us rooted.

And with this in mind, I prepare for the road that I have travelled so often - Another house, another city, another set of good byes to be said. The search for a home continues. And with that the search for cafes, friends, my thoughts and feelings about random things and places will continue too. This virtual address will stay the same, but I know my views, opinions and ideas will change. With time.

P.S: There are still so many places that I have not visited in Cambridge - but that is fine, I can always come back here when I want. 
P.P.S: I have started posting my verses in public again. You can read All roads lead to... here!

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fresh coffee, old memories and new starts

It is one thing to remember the past fondly, and quite another to be stuck in it. And I do have a habit of the latter. 

I remember, when I finished school, I didn't think I could live without my best friends. But when I left home town to study engineering in another city, I met new people and made my next set of best friends. I was sure I would lose them when we finished college. And for a while I did. And for that period I was heart broken. 
But I was yet to be introduced to some more people, who would play a big role in my life, especially to make me feel at home in a foreign country. For a good part of the next three years these new people became my family in the UK. Needless to say, when the time came for each of us to part ways, it was not easy. 

And then the other day (just happened to be the day when Indian media celebrates friendship day), while I was sitting in a cafe in Soho (Flat White), with yet another set of friends, who I have grown quite close to in recent times, I could not help being a bit overwhelmed by a warm fuzzy feeling. 

And all those friends, who I left behind at many different crossroads of my life, I realised I haven't really lost them. I may not see most of them over long periods, or speak to them even, but the strong invisible connection with them never goes away. When I meet them after years, time seems to automatically rewind and the cracks start filling up quite quickly.
All of them (including those who will become one of them in future) enrich my life constantly. I may not pick up the phone and tell you all this in fact it is very unlikely I will ever say a single mushy sentence to your face - but you know me, and you know how I feel.

And speaking of friends of the future, I have recently started an endeavour with a couple of my new found friends. Each of us love to write but needed a bit of motivation to do so more often. 
For a while I had stopped publishing my fictional works to the public domain, but have decided to post the new ones here. All three of us have a very different writing style, and I am hoping that will make it more interesting for the readers. Go take a look here, if you are interested and let us know what you think.

And with that, I shall get out of my cave (bed) and give Sunday a chance :) See you all soon.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A summery summer

There is a lot going on inside my head at the moment. Though on the outside the focus most definitely is on the absolutely and unbelievably gorgeous weather!
The summer has been very unlike the summers that I had gotten used to for the past few years. I am almost getting used to this new idea of dry, warm days and not having to layer up each time I step out of the house. The long and sunny days seem to be lifting every-ones spirits and even some of the perpetually grumpy individuals around me are breaking out into uncharacteristic smiles and laughter!
In fact the hot and humid afternoons and the burning sun reminds me of either being on a holiday or being back in Pune.

Speaking of holiday, our last one was in the city of Prague. And my first evening there walking around the old city blending into the crowd of wanderers felt so good. It was sparkling, colourful and lively without me having to take the added effort of keeping it alive. And I love that feeling.

Once you are done seeing a city through the eyes of a tourist, you start noticing the locals. Personally for me that is what I am looking for when I go to a new place. I love watching the local people busy in their daily lives. I love peeking into a new culture, watching their dressing style, the way they meet and greet their friends, the cafes they go to, the emotions on their face... you get the drift.

There is so much more to travelling that words or pictures can never tell. There are those chance discoveries, the little nothings, the post cards not bought, the feeling of not knowing what is around the next corner. When I sit down to digitise my thoughts its too late already to capture them completely. They are fleeting and disappear as soon as I get back into my own daily life.

And then out of nowhere, one hot summer afternoon like this, over the desire for a cup of coffee and while staring blankly at the ceiling, some of those transient thoughts come back to me in a few words, and I try to bring the memories back to life by putting them here.

P.S Have been drinking a lot of cold coffee shakes this summer! Think I should make myself one right now.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Inside Out?

A lot of time in life we spend juggling between the 'there's so much to do in life' and 'there is only so much you can do in this life time'!

I find myself lost many times just trying to keep up with the shortened version of  the short-listed things that I want to be able to do this life time. Often, I look at myself from the outside, hoping to find the answers standing right there.

But it is difficult to decide which dreams to follow and which ones to let go. And never having mastered the virtue of letting go makes it even more difficult. I have been told to listen to my heart and act with my brains. And like all good advice, these are mere words until that one moment, when the words, their meaning and I become the same.

Maybe the secret lies in getting up close and personal.

"And with these words I can see, 
Clear through the clouds that covered me. 
Just give it time, then speak my name 
Now we can hear ourselves again..." Pink Floyd

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Monday, May 27, 2013

A short trip

A a lot has been happening in the last few weeks. But the one thing that has definitely not been happening is writing. I have been pushing most of my thoughts to the background and hoping that the time will come when I simply have to put a pen to paper and get it all out of me.

I spent the first three months of this year craving wide blue open skies, and then finally my wish was granted. Against all odds, we managed a short trip to the US and Mexico. Met up with friends, tried loads of new and tasty food, soaked in some Caribbean sun and sea, attempted conversing in massively broken and limited Spanish language, had a glimpse of a civilization I had no idea about, 'cooked' ourselves completely in the 35 Deg hot sun while paying our respect to one of the seven wonders of the world and of course tried out a few new cafes.

I have moved quite a bit as a child. But every new place that I have moved to, there have been people, who I instantly connected with and eventually we became friends. These people are partly responsible for transforming a new unknown world to something close to a home for me. And as such a lot of our journeys one way or the other revolve around catching up with these friends who we love and miss. And this trip was no different in that aspect. We spent a few days in Austin, doing the old style catching up, lazing around and just being ourselves. 

One afternoon we found ourselves chilling in Mozart, a cafe by the lake, well known among the students who greatly contribute in giving this place a feel of a college canteen.

Considering the warm weather, I ended up taking an Iced Mochaccino, which I do recommend if you ever visit Austin!

Speaking of coffee, one of the most remarkable and dramatic coffee that I tried during this trip was on our very last night in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. This was the Cafe Maya (of the Mayan civilization) at the Yaxche resturant. I had read some rave reviews about this coffee, and I just had to taste it. Cafe Maya turned out to be far more than just a coffee!

It started with our waiter turning into a magician and appearing with a table full of instruments and ingredients to create this experience for us. The ritual he then performed in front of us, with alcohol, sugar, fire and blue flames left us speechless. We could not help clapping like children at the end of the show.

It's not easy to capture such moment's in one frame. Especially when you don't want to take your eyes off what is going on. 

The end product was quite unique as well, but as I said, this was not about the coffee, but really about the experience. The drama, the excitement and the thrill was what made it special. 

In fact, if you think about it, it's a bit like our lives. Sometimes I feel like we all have the same destination, but the path to getting there is what makes all the difference. It is up to us what we make of our journey. Some of us can take the a simple experience of sipping a hot drink and transform it into a magical experience for a few minutes.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


There is a huge backlog of things that I need to do in my personal life. A friend of mine has lost her loved one, and although she has been in my thoughts and I have cried feeling her loss,I haven't told her how I feel. Somehow it is difficult for me to express my thoughts and feelings in person and especially more so, when people are geographically far apart. I also haven't replied/spoken to a few other friends for quite some time though I have been meaning to, yet each time I sit down to write, I am at a loss of words.

I hope this is a temporary thought block and I wanted to at least make a start at amendments by updating this space. Arguably there is not much to update on the coffee front. But then sometimes I don't want to write about a cafe, I want to share a real coffee with a friend. 

The last one I shared was in London (Le pain quotidien) with a few friends. And for a little while, I almost forgot how miserable it was outside. (One of those weekends where it rains non stop for the entire period!)

The rest of my free time (which has been rather rare) I have spent escaping from reality. And because I always come up with different ways to escape from reality, this time I chose to bake cakes. Now those few who know me, will know that working in the kitchen is not exactly my strong point. Yet sometimes doing something absolutely out of character helps me relax and even take my mind off the otherwise sinking feeling.

First on my list was the 'Date and Walnut cake'.

And then, the Three milk cake (or as the Mexican would say - Pastel de tres leches).

Both were amateur attempts at creating something which certain special people have made for me in the past. Both go very well indeed with some nice hot coffee on the side.

Finally, I guess there is only a limit to which one can try to escape from reality. Past has a way of catching up with the present. Sooner or later we have to deal with our own sense of loss and failure. 
I have realised that moving on is not a switch, but a very slow process of distracting ourselves with temporary immediate achievements to be able to live with the permanent sense of loss.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hope floats!

Past few weeks I have been crazy busy and almost - almost forgot about everything fun and creative in life. But then yesterday a hint of a diffused sun made me move myself out of the couch and out into the open. Let me tell you that the outside was nowhere near what it looked like from the inside. No sooner that I hit the road, the dark grey depressing clouds were back and this time with a sprinkling of what cannot be called as snow or rain or even sleet - something in between all of that!

Nevertheless we marched on (driven more by hunger than by any passion of finding a good cafe really). Our first choice the amazing home-made dumpling place - Zhongua - being completely full, we simply proceeded to Cafe CB2.

Now this cafe has been on my list of places to visit for some time, yet never really found the occasion for it. Yesterday, by pure chance we found ourselves at its doorsteps. My initial plan was to visit this place one evening because I know they often have gigs and live music happening in its basement. However because we visited around lunch time, we really got to see it more as a bistro than a cafe. In fact to me the place was a bit confused. It even had a bar like place serving alcoholic drinks.

You will have to take this piece of writing with a pinch of salt. I apologise in advance for being slightly on the cranky side of life these last few days and that may have interfered with my mood and observations of the place. But I was not the happiest person when the waitress seated us close to the entrance (where it was cold enough for me to have to keep my coat on the whole time). The worst part though was that she promised to give us a table inside as soon as one became available and completely forgot about it later. And even though I asked her once again before ordering food, she just said 'yes yes of course'  to our face and the next minute forgot all about it. To top it, all this time I could see empty tables inside.

I don't think I would be awfully pleased with this service on a good mood day either.

That off my chest, I can now concentrate on the positive about the place - which was finding the 'coke float' on the menu. This very simple vanilla ice-cream drenched in a soft drink like Coke/Pepsi was something I loved having as a kid and was quite delighted to see it here. Nostalgia made me go for it instead of a coffee even though the weather really called for one.

Overall it was not the best day out, however I am willing to go there once again some other evening and find out if the place indeed has a split personality. I have hopes that this place may still come alive for me.

And if there is one thing which floats rather well apart from ice-cream that is hope :-)

(Also among other things, I found out that the Cambridge Eat festival is going to take place in March. I am looking forward to the street food festival in particular. From their website I got to know of many different independent Cambridge food places. Do take a look here if you are interested.)

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New look

Just last night, I thought that this space needs to look and feel much warmer. I set off thinking most of my pictures are too brown, I need some colour. However after playing about in blogger settings for a bit, I just ended up making it even more brown than it was :) 

But somehow this is much more me than it was before. Although I am not quite done with it. I will possibly tinker more with it some time soon.

Until then, hope you like it.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Monday, February 4, 2013

What's the story (morning glory)?

Every cup of coffee should have a story to tell, I think. The ones I have every morning, possibly have the same one line story but it is an important one - It is a cup which forms the boundary between the fuzzy-ness of last night's dream and the hard cold reality of the following day. It's the warmth from that one cup which offers comfort and courage to face the rest of the day.

The cafe I visited this weekend -  Cafe Jocolatte, had the perfect environment for exactly that - stories. And they proved it by their tag line

 'Drink coffee, eat chocolate and talk'

Simple and profound and exactly my thoughts!

It was a much overdue visit, but it finally happened. The cafe has one of the most welcoming interiors, and many more surprises waiting to be explored once you are inside. It is not more than 15 minutes walking distance from my place and so I have no idea why I waited so long to walk right in!

The place is possibly closest to what I had in mind for a physical representation of SYB. It looks cosy from outside, but is actually quite spacious once you go in. There is a garden with outdoor seating as well (for warmer days - Yes English summers are a 'real' phenomenon!! They do happen once in a while :-) and more space upstairs. The walls are decorated with bright art work (which are for sale - you can take a look at their website) and most importantly I loved my flat white which went perfectly with the Toblerone-almond tart.

If you are able to zoom into the picture above, you can also read about the advertised 'Marcussens tea'. With 25 herbs going into it, I think it has it's own special story to tell!

Also for the non chocolate eating, non coffee/tea drinking people (surely there must be a few such outliers!) there is also some wine on the menu if you fancy.

As for me, I shall now proceed towards the refrigerator, and relish some left overs of the Austrian 'Sachertorte' also bought from the same place ;-)

Parting thoughts - while coffee, chocolates and cakes may not solve our problems directly, at right moments and in right amounts, they are a bit like good friends. They make us feel warm and comforted, and sometimes gives us the much needed kick to wake up and solve our own problems!

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Let's start at the very beginning

As we all know, beginning is a very good place to start. And so without further ado, if I am to start talking about Cambridge, CB1 is possibly the first place to talk about. For those of you who haven't visited the city of Cambridge (UK, not US), you probably have an idea of this place in your head. Well Mill Road is one street in this city, which is quite different from the usual pre-formed idea. At least it was different to mine. It is not sophisticated, posh with scholars walking around in their robes. You don't see a glimpse of the famous river Cam from here, nor do you see the punts. No towering impressive university building is in sight either. The by lanes have these houses stuck to each other known as terraced houses and the main street is very multi cultured, with shops, restaurants and cafes belonging to many different regions of the world (including English, Algerian, Turkish, Indian, Korean, Chinese, Bangladeshi to name a few). The street is full of character, and seems exactly like a place where the 'geeky-freaky-and-crazy' (all in a good way of course) crowd of Cambridge would hang out.

One such hangout place on this street is cafe CB1. It is not sleek and polished. But it is a quirky little place, which from the outside may look a bit old and basic, but as you walk in, you can tell its a place for the 'regulars' to meet up and chill. Also the numerous really old computers and loads and loads of books in the background almost sets the mood for the people who walk in. During my visit, I heard someone discussing his (or someone he knows) plans for going to moon (I know it is not good to eavesdrop, but hey, who can avoid listening to bits and pieces of an interesting plan :). Another person was looking through an old notebook, and I think I saw some feedback control systems and digital circuits drawn there. (I could be wrong of course, I could be seeing what I want to see and hearing what I want to hear :) But that really is part of the magic of a place I think. A place which tickles your imagination and makes you think.

The coffee was good, though not possibly the best I have ever had. The ginger cake I had, was also not my favourite, but then again, this is not a place to just eat and drink, but a place to feel and dream and be a part of the real Cambridge I would say. A place to start your explorations of this city, and possibly breaking out from the set idea in your head. Yes you will see the river, the punts, the impressive university buildings eventually but that is not all that is there to this place.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

Saturday, January 5, 2013

What's in the name?

How often do you have to calibrate and re-calibrate yourself? You say something with great resolute and find yourself going back on your word the very next moment. And all this while you thought you were being honest to yourself the first moment as well as the second.

A book I had read in the past told me contradictions don't exist. Yet at every stage of life I seem to bump into one. I guess every additional moment gives us a different perspective and additional information about ourselves as well as our surroundings, and that calls for some calibration. But I do struggle with exact opposite ideas trying to co-exist.

Anyway, the point I am trying to get to in a very round about way is that, in the past I had said I will try to avoid big corporate coffee chains like Starbucks, Barista, Costa and the likes. Yet these days I find myself addicted to a cup of cappuccino in the morning. It is almost a ritual for me. I get to work, start my computer, change into work shoes, take my cup and head down to the cafe downstairs to get my super frothy cup of cappuccino with chocolate sprinklings (I don't for a minute stop to care that this is coming from a big brand) and then start working.

In fact the Tesco's right behind my house has sold their cafe over to Costa Coffee. I remember in the beginning I was not happy with this, and must have resolved not to go there again. Yet the other day I was sitting there, enjoying a cup of flat white in the morning, sinking into their sofa and I don't recall any trace of guilt or negative thoughts in my head at all.

Speaking of big names, recently I went to Patisserie Valerie in Cambridge to satisfy a sudden and rare cake and coffee craving and was not very happy with the taste of the coffee or the cake. I have visited this place a year back, and that experience was slightly better. But I hadn't tried their coffee before. Also it is not the kind of place I would like to sit and enjoy a cup. I guess the warmth was lacking.

This really proves one thing, that no matter what you do, if you start a cafe, it better sell really good coffee. This is the best and simple formula. Everything else, the comfy sofa, the good service, the nice atmosphere, the underlying principle behind opening a cafe, everything, is secondary. And that is what I need to keep in mind when I have my own.

Also this does not make me stop trying to go to more independent coffee shops. In fact there are a few really quirky and nice coffee places within Cambridge, and I want to feature them here in this blog very soon. But until then, take care, have a happening new year and note to myself, have an open and learning mind, always.

Sell Coffee, not your soul