Sunday, April 26, 2015


When I think about the future, oddly enough, my mind also always goes back to the past. At all times I tend to make sure that the plan for my tomorrow is consistent with the path that I have taken so far and that my core aspirations are not being forgotten or left behind in a crack somewhere while I am busy rushing to meet daily deadlines and solve pseudo crisis.

The other important thing about the past is that every present moment will eventually get there, and that is a fact. There is no escaping it. And as such, I always feel that very special moments in the present need to somehow be tagged in memory and remembered occasionally just so that it reminds me of that 'special' feeling time and again when I need it.

Some people do that by celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. For me, my special memories are created more on personal and slightly more subtle corners of my mind. Like the feel of mum's cotton sari drying on a washing line and the scent of cool freshness. Even today it reminds me of my mother, the way she loved me, picked me up and cared for me when I was an infant. This memory was created when I was barely three or four years old, but it is such a special and powerful one. It was also the first time that I was conscious of how much I loved her and missed her when she was not at home.

I think such memories come in very handy as we grow up and disconnect more and more with this distant past. After all, these stories are the only things that will be left behind even after we are long gone.

Sell Coffee, not your soul

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