I need to apologise for the delay in posting here. My current personal life turbulence have obviously made an impact on the progress of the SYB blog. This makes me think what kind of dedication is required in the successful running of any business. It is not acceptable to neglect your business even for a day, no matter what goes wrong in your personal life, because there are people (customers) who depend on you.
I know I had promised marketing ideas and business plan, but I have to postpone that for the next time since I need to get going soon. But for now I would like to leave you with the links of the two things that we did do recently and really enjoyed.
One is the Cirque du soleil (Varekai) performance in Royal Albert Hall. The show was really good, and the performers really talented. I especially liked the live music, it was soothing and exalting at the same time.
The other nice thing we attended was the London Flamenco festival show at Sadler's wells theatre in London. I have only once before been to a flamenco performance in Barcelona. This show however was a bit different from the other one. Flamenco is a very powerful performance, and the dancer as well as the singer has to put a lot of emotions into the dance. To me this dance expresses more strong emotions like anger, love, joy than the subtle ones. But that's my limited understanding of the art I suppose. At one point during the show I thought that Flamenco and the Indian classical dance Katthak have quite a lot in common. and it was really surprising to see the similarities.
With that I am going to take your leave for now, will be back soon with more updates on coffee, art and life.
Sell Coffee, not your soul
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